6-3 Traffic

Has any consideration been given to improving Jackson School House Road or Buck Hill Road and to use one as a bypass of the villages of Chepachet and Pascoag?



In evaluating the surrounding street system, anticipated routes were identified for truck traffic and employee traffic.  The truck traffic is expected to utilize the higher functional classification of roadways that are designed to handle higher levels of traffic.  Jackson Schoolhouse Road is a winding, narrow roadway, often less than 24 feet in width, includes a portion of unpaved roadway, and generally abuts residential land use.  Buck Hill Road is also winding and narrow (generally less than 26 feet wide) with adjacent residential land use.  These two roadways are not preferred routes for truck traffic due to the narrow widths and curvature of the roadways. 


There is potential that employees of the CREC may use these roadways if they originate from points west of the area.  Using journey to work data, only 10% of the employment base is likely to be located in an area with a potential to use these roadways and this corresponds to approximately three additional vehicles in the peak periods when the development is fully built and occupied, most of which is likely to be passenger vehicles. During construction approximately 30 vehicles could potentially utilize Jackson Schoolhouse Road during both peak hours. It should be noted that the construction period is for a short duration. Given the small increase in traffic, these routes were not identified as candidates for roadway improvements.





Maureen Chlebek, McMahon Associates


May 11, 2016