7-23 Air Dispersion Modeling Report

Figure 8 - Significant Impact Area

7-23     Figure 8 Significant Impact Area appears to show stack locations that are inconsistent with the emission sources locations identified and displayed on Figure 3 General Arrangement.  Specifically, Figure 8 appears to show an emission point to the east of HRSG Exhaust Stack 1 (AE-1).  In addition, Figure 8 appears to display the location of seven (7) discrete emission points, which is different than the six (6) stationary sources listed in Section 4.4 Screening Results that were part of the “refined modeling with AERMOD (that) was performed to assess the total ambient pollutant concentrations” from the project.  In addition, there are only six (6) discrete emission sources/points listed on Table 1 Potential Criteria Pollutant Emissions and Table 3 Modeling Input Parameters.  Please explain/clarify.



The six sources listed on Table 1 and Table 3 were the only emission sources included in the modeling analysis.




Michael Feinblatt, ESS Group, Inc.



May 17, 2016