Why enter into these agreements now? Shouldn’t we wait until the EFSB suspension is over?

Not in the opinion of our legal counsel who is experienced in these matters.  CRE could withdraw its offer to enter into the Tax Agreement, the Property Value Guarantee Agreement (PVGA), the Opt Out Agreement, and the Decommissioning Agreement at any time before they are signed by the Town Council.  The Town has leverage now that it will not have if we wait until the EFSB rules.  Most importantly, however, the initial impact fees and support payments to be paid by Invenergy total $1,175,000 and must be paid by January 10, 2017.  These funds can be used by the Town to pay lawyers and expert witnesses so that the Town can aggressively and relentlessly attempt to kill the proposed power plant at the EFSB and in court.  The Town will also be paid another $1,750,000 by January 15, 2019.