7-25 Air Dispersion Modeling Report

Table 4 GEP Stack Height Analysis Summary and Table 5 Cavity Analysis

7-25     Table 4 GEP Stack Height Analysis Summary and Table 5 Cavity Analysis reference individual stacks using an abbreviated naming convention of ES-1, ES-2, EG, DP Heater, Aux Boiler, and FP.  Some of the abbreviated names are easily associated with a corresponding emission source such as ‘Aux Boiler’ for the Auxiliary Boiler; however, there does not appear to be any way to verify that ES-1 represents Gas Turbine/HRSG/Duct Burner 1, since the abbreviated names are not included on Table 3 Modeling Input Parameters where details for individual stacks are listed.  Please clarify the abbreviated naming convention and the associated stacks.



The abbreviated naming convention was as follows:


ES-1: HRSG Exhaust Stack 1

ES-2: HRSG Exhaust Stack 2

EG: Emergency Generator

DP Heater: Dew Point Heater

Aux Boiler: Auxiliary Boiler

FP: Fire Pump




Michael Feinblatt, ESS Group, Inc.



May 17, 2016