Wetlands: 5-6

With regard to wetlands and species, please identify measures that Invenergy is proposing to reduce impact and to provide mitigation for impacts that cannot be avoided.

The CREC is designed to minimize impacts to wetlands and wildlife habitats. Invenergy will restore vegetated and habitat areas temporarily impacted during construction wherever feasible.  CREC will also limit tree clearing activities during the breeding season of any threatened species identified in the areas to be cleared.  Invenergy, in coordination with RIDEM and the ACOE, will develop a Wetlands Mitigation Plan to compensate for all unavoidable direct, indirect and secondary wetland impacts from the CREC, as is required by the ACOE.  The plan will include one or more of the following within the affected watershed in the required compensatory mitigation ratios:

  • proposed wetland restoration,
  • creation,
  • enhancement, and/or
  • preservation measures.