22-42 Traffic

What truck percentages were used in the previous signalized intersection analyses and in the updated analysis? Please explain.

Both analyses report the worst-case-scenario conditions during the peak hours when the proposed site experiences a response to an oil fire event, which would require additional water and oil trucks to access the site. The Traffic Impact Study reports that following an oil fired event, trucks will access the site to a total of four trucks per hour during peak hours.

The supplemental analysis reported in the January 11, 2017 memorandum (Appendix E of the Water Supply Plan) reports that in an effort to reduce traffic impacts of the oil fired response trucks, oil replenishment will be extended over a longer duration, reducing the number of daily trucks and trucks that are expected to access the site during the peak hours. With the proposed water trucks as well as the oil fired response, it is expected that no more than three trucks would access the site during the peak hours. This decrease in daily and peak hour trucks was a result of the change in response duration for replenishing oil after an oil fired event.

The analysis was revised to reflect this change as were the truck percentages for the final build condition. Synchro analysis reports showing the difference in traffic volumes and truck percentages are attached as Exhibit 3.