Does the Burrillville Ordinance prohibit siting a power plant in an F-5 district?

According to Oleg Nikolyszyn, Esq., Burrillville Town Solicitor:

The Town’s zoning ordinance permits the siting of an electric generating facility in an F-5 zone, but only if a “special use permit” is granted by the Town’s Zoning Board of Review. 

See, Town Ordinances, Zoning, Article III. Zoning District Use Regulations, Sec. 30-71, Principal Uses, Section 4 (13).  Electric generating facility.

The proposed Clear River Energy Center power plant is located in an F-5 zone, and with the granting of a special use permit by the Zoning Board of Review, its’ location would be permitted.  This ordinance was passed by the Town in 1988.