According to DEM…

negative impact

However, given the locations of some of these populations and the realities of construction sites, not to mention the Applicant's admission that "clearing of overstory may impact the long-term viability of these state-listed plant populations," this work certainly has the ability to negatively impact "state conservation priorities and plans, fish and wildlife habitats, and rare species, including those identified in the Rhode Island Natural Heritage database

The Town of Burrillville recognizes that a pull-quote does not tell the whole story. In our point-of-view, this excerpt is indicative. While DEM was unable to draw definitive conclusions, the Town of Burrillville concludes that this power plant is not needed and is harmful to Burrillville, Rhode Island and surrounding areas. Follow these links to read the DEM advisories and drawn your own conclusions: [9-12-16 DEM Advisory Opinion] and [8-15-17 DEM Supplemental Advisory]

Town of Burrillville
105 Harrisville Main St.
Harrisville, RI  02830